We’ve launched a new Secure Communications service powered by Evizone! In the midst of many online security concerns, our goal is to offer customers a secure communications solution to protect their data and get peace of mind.

This service is brought to Canadian Web Hosting customers by Evizone Ltd., a revolutionary secure communications, encryption, and compliance software and service provider based in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Customers can ensure system-wide security by having employees send electronic messages and documents through Evizone’s secure communications platform. Its view-on-demand architecture means only one copy of each message or document exists on a central server so users never take possession of the data and there is nothing to find on a lost or compromised device.


[epq-quote align=”align-center”]“All too often we hear of business emails being targeted and sensitive information being compromised. We are very excited to now offer our customers security and compliance in their online communications,” said Chloe Tottem, VP of Sales at Canadian Web Hosting. “This is a significant and relevant addition to our Managed Security Services.”[/epq-quote]


The Secure Communications service also includes copy prevention, visibility control, large file transfers, workgroup efficiency, and a complete audit trail. Users will never have to worry again about someone getting unauthorized access to important data by enforcing comprehensive confidentiality policies.

Users can also meet the challenge of GDPR with this security offering. This service provides the strongest commercially available system for the secure exchange and compliance archiving of electronic communications.

To learn more and start protecting your company data, contact us by calling 1-888-821-7888 or by emailing sales@canadianwebhosting.com.