Canada Day FREE Hosting Giveaway!
In honour of Canada’s 150th birthday, we thought we’d spread some Canadian love! Enter our Canada Day photo contest for a chance to win a grand prize of …
Google’s Trusted Stores Program is now being replaced by Customer Reviews. According to Google, it is designed to “receive and share customer feedback while …
Over the course of the day and a half that I have spent at Build, I have heard the term “Graph” probably a hundred …
Microsoft has announced their new Microsoft Azure IoT Edge that brings together all the capabilities of Azure IoT and allows users to run them …
At IBM InterConnect 2017 we’ve seen all sorts of talks on data, Watson, Cognitive Services, Hybrid Cloud and a range of integration discussions and …
We’re excited to announce the release of our upgraded Virtual Private Server plans, giving customers more resources for less cost and an improved artificial intelligence …