These days we are faced with an ever-growing number of threats online that can infiltrate our infrastructure and put our data at risk. However, with the right kind of preparation, many of these digital threats can be avoided or mitigated.

We attended Vancouver Cyber Security, hosted by Data Connectors, on October 18, 2018. As an exhibitor, our goal was to take a snapshot of current trends and approaches to infrastructure security. A majority of attendees listed phishing, malware, data breaches, and privacy as their primary security-related concerns.

Find out below how Vancouver Cyber Security attendees assess and manage their own infrastructure security.

What do you use infrastructure services for?

A majority of Cyber Security Vancouver attendees use infrastructure services for several online ventures, including websites, web applications, and email with email being the most popular service in use with 79% of respondents using the service. Additionally, 63% of attendees had websites and 54% used infrastructure services for web applications.


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Most attendees were not limited to using just one service, instead, they use a combination of services. 62% of respondents used 2 or more services.

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How often do you check your website or services?

A majority of Cyber Security Vancouver attendees check their website or services daily.

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How often do you verify backups?

Over a third of Cyber Security Vancouver respondents verify their infrastructure backups once a week.

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When was the last time you did a security assessment?

Almost a quarter of respondents performed a security assessment in the last seven days with the remaining respondents distributed across all answers.

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Cybersecurity is an ongoing, ever-evolving battle. Stay vigilant with these steps: