WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering millions of websites. However, its popularity also makes it a target for hackers who insert malicious code to exploit vulnerabilities. Detecting and removing this malicious code is crucial to maintaining the security and integrity of your website. Here are some effective methods to find and eliminate malicious code from your WordPress site.

1. Use security plugins

One of the simplest ways to find malicious code is by using security plugins. These plugins are designed to scan your site for vulnerabilities, malware, and suspicious code. Popular security plugins include:

  • Wordfence Security: Offers comprehensive security features including malware scanning, firewall protection, and live traffic monitoring.
  • Sucuri Security: Provides site monitoring, malware scanning, and security activity auditing.

Read more: WordPress Plugins Every Website Owner Should Have

2. Manual file inspection

While plugins can automate the scanning process, manual inspection allows you to deeply understand the structure of your WordPress files. Here’s how you can manually inspect your files:

  1. Access Your Files: Use an FTP client or your hosting provider’s file manager to access your WordPress files.
  2. Check Core Files: Compare your core WordPress files against a fresh WordPress installation. Look for any unexpected modifications.
  3. Inspect Theme and Plugin Files: Malicious code is often hidden in theme and plugin files. Review these files, especially if they come from untrusted sources.

When monitoring file changes in your WordPress website, you are primarily looking for any unauthorized or unexpected modifications that could indicate the presence of malicious code. Check the last modified dates of your files. Files with recent modification dates that you did not authorize could be suspicious.

3. Monitor file changes

Regularly monitoring file changes can help you quickly identify unauthorized modifications. You can do this by using plugins. Plugins like Wordfence and Sucuri can alert you to file changes. Alternatively, you can configure your server to send alerts when files are modified. This can often be done through your hosting provider.

4. Check user accounts

Hackers often create rogue admin accounts to maintain access to your site. Regularly review your user accounts to ensure there are no unauthorized additions:

  • Go to the Users Section: In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Users > All Users.
  • Check for Suspicious Accounts: Look for any accounts you do not recognize or accounts with elevated permissions.

5. Check themes and plugin files

Beyond checking just your user accounts, inspect the installed themes and plugins. Look for any themes or plugins that you did not install. Malicious code is often hidden in these. Even legitimate themes and plugins can be modified to include malicious code. Compare these files to their originals.

Learn more: What is malware and how can you protect yourself?

6. Analyze log files

Server logs can provide valuable insights into suspicious activities on your website:

  • Access Logs: Use your hosting provider’s control panel to access your server logs.
  • Identify Unusual Activity: Look for repeated failed login attempts, unusual IP addresses, or strange requests to your website.

7. Keep WordPress updated

It sounds basic, but keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated is crucial in preventing malicious code injection. Regular updates patch security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

Finding and removing malicious code from your WordPress website requires a combination of automated tools and manual inspections. By using security plugins, monitoring file changes, reviewing your database, and keeping your site updated, you can significantly reduce the risk of malware infections. Regularly scanning and maintaining your site’s security will help protect your data and maintain the trust of your visitors.